Culpepper Garden I (CGI), an eight-story 151,989 sq ft building with a red brick façade featuring 129 efficiencies, 74 one bedrooms, and seven (7) two bedrooms is located on five beautifully landscaped acres in the heart of Arlington, VA. The building’s non-profit owner (Arlington Retirement Housing Corporation) partnered with Wesley Housing to significantly renovate the building, the first of this scale since it was built in 1975. The property was rehabilitated using the 4 percent Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, with syndication provided by Virginia Community Development Corporation.

A major goal was to improve accessibility, improve energy efficiency and sustainability of the property for the long-term.

Following two and half years of rehabilitation, the project completed in October 2020, preserving affordable housing for one of our region’s most vulnerable populations–seniors with household incomes at or below 60 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI)–for another 60 years. CGI currently houses 207 residents with an average annual income of $19,260, 95 percent of whom are above the age of 66 years old.

Of the 210 total homes, 21 apartments (10%) were renovated to meet UFAS and ANSI Type A requirements with fully accessible features such as lower countertops in the kitchen and ample turn around room for wheelchairs. Further, all common areas were reconfigured to comply with ADA standards.

With the help of community partners, volunteers, the resident services team, and the resident association, a variety of services are offered to the 207 residents who call CGI home. A sample of resident services include medical assistance with helping to make appointments, educational and emotional support, money management assistance and resources, and scheduled transportation, to name a few.

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