The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) of 2023 (H.R.3238/S.1557) continues to gain bipartisan support in the 118th Congress at a faster pace than in any previous Congress. As Congress returns from the summer recess, there are now 96 Republicans and 96 Democrats cosponsoring the bill across both chambers.
The maps below show widespread support for the bill and are indicative of acute affordable housing shortages nationwide. The Housing Credit is the nation’s most powerful tool for producing affordable housing in urban, suburban, and rural areas. To further increase its impact, the AHCIA contains provisions that would bolster a state’s ability to support development in areas where affordable housing is less financially feasible, such as rural areas and tribal lands, and for populations that may need additional resources and prioritization, such as seniors, veterans, and formerly homeless individuals.
The AHTCC continues to raise the importance of the Housing Credit and advocate for the AHCIA with the members of the 118th Congress. With Representatives Flood (R-NE-1) and Schakowsky (D-IL-9) most recently adding their names to the growing list of AHCIA cosponsors, momentum for the most bipartisan piece of legislation to increase affordable housing production continues to build.
Join us in engaging your Senators and Representatives in advocating for the AHCIA of 2023. Visit the AHTCC’s advocacy webpage to learn how you can help build support for the AHCIA today.
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