Fort Peck Sustainable Village is the all-new construction of 20 single family modular homes in Poplar, MT within the southern portion of the Ft. Peck Indian Reservation. Designed to focus on community connectivity and involvement, the development serves the residing Fort Peck and Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes and ensures the local ethos is not lost or homogenized. The site offers two 3BD/2BA homes at 40 percent AMI, thirteen 3BD/2BA homes at 50 percent AMI, and five 4BD/3BA homes at 60 percent AMI. The 9% Housing Credit was used to finance the property, with syndication facilitated by Hunt Capital Partners, LLC and development by Integrated Solutions.

The design concepts are driven by attentive observation of natural and social site dynamics, including settlement patterns established by nomadic plains tribes. With a focus on community involvement and connectivity, the development also offers a restored prairie, green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), greenhouses, sports fields, warming huts, basketball courts, and community gardens within each residential cluster.

Nearby community amenities include Fort Peck Community College, Poplar School District, Fort Peck Head Start, Fort Peck Service Unit and the Poplar Community Hospital. Public transportation services the property, providing further access to local grocery stores.

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