Applications for the 2022 Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Awards (Edson Awards) are now open. The Edson Awards recognize outstanding affordable housing developments and organizations that have demonstrated especially impactful use of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (Housing Credit). Award recipients will be recognized at an awards ceremony on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, in Washington, DC, with members of Congress representing winning properties invited to present the awards.
Property nominations may be submitted by development owners, syndicators, investors, government agencies, and other stakeholders. Please feel free to share this announcement with your networks and encourage your partners to apply.
This year, the AHTCC is excited to introduce two new categories to the Edson Awards in addition to our original eight: the Housing for Native American or Tribal Populations category, to honor properties which provide housing primarily to Native American populations and/or provide housing on tribal land, and the Green and Healthy Housing category, to honor properties with features that notably support environmental sustainability and/or the physical or mental health of residents.
Entries must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on Friday, April 22, 2022. Please send any questions to
Application Resources
See highlights from the 2021 and 2020 Edson Awards, presented at the AHTCC’s Fall Meeting and Edson Awards ceremony in Washington, DC on September 23, 2021.
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