The properties below are just a few examples of the impact Housing Credit in action. Statewide, the Housing Credit has provided more than 133,500 affordable homes for low-income families, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities in Ohio.
The Housing Credit in Action
See the state fact sheet to learn more about the Housing Credit’s impact.
Housing Credit Resident Stories
Beverly “Jeanie” Jean Borden
Beverly “Jeanie” Jean Borden had a thriving career at a CAP agency where she established nutrition programs and helped develop senior activities. When her family, including her parents and her sisters, became ill, Beverly retired early to take care of them full time. She feared homelessness after those responsibilities ended, but found a permanent home at the Renaissance Apartments in downtown Toledo. To read more about Beverly, click here. To see more stories from the National Housing Trust’s Voices Out Loud series, click here.
Robert Kiss
Robert Kiss emigrated to the United States from Hungary in 1956 with his parents who wanted better opportunities for their children. He settled into a comfortable life in Ohio with a family of his own and a career as an exterminator. With long hours, hard physical work, and old age, both the job and home maintenance became too difficult. Through his veteran’s support network, Robert found a home at Kirby Manor in Cleveland, OH where his fixed income is enough for rent, utilities, and medical expenses. To read more about Robert, click here. To see more stories from the National Housing Trust’s Voices Out Loud series, click here.